Friday, February 20, 2009

Julie's Predictions for the 81st Annual Academy Awards

An unbelievable stroke of luck has afforded me to see almost all of the nominated films in time for the ceremony, despite being too broke to go to the theatres or rent the DVD’s. So I’m happy to write a much more informed column this time around! (First, I must apologize to The Reader for calling it lame. Strangely enough, the film turned out to be an engrossing story, immediate on a human level and not at all the dull history lecture it seemed to be. My mistake.)

P.S.: Here is a picture of me at the "Meet the Oscars" exhibition in Chicago. That is a real Oscar, though it's likely that particular statuette will remain a prop for their annual exhibitions, and will never actually be given to a winner. But it was awesome to hold just the same!


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